Saturday, 21 May 2011

The Wit & Wisdom of Premiership Football Managers #1 & #2

Messrs Ferguson & Redknapp often provide pithy comments and notable quotes - which must be manna from heaven for sporting journalists trying to file copy that isn't filled with the usual guff and cliche (not that either manager isn't wont to expel their own fair share of guff and cliche, mind).

Enjoyed Feguson's grouching about his players' use of Twitter.  Apparently it all came to a head when Rooney appeared to threaten one of his followers (although he later claimed it was just banter).  Anyway - Ferguson seemed genuinely perplexed about the merits of Twitter. He noted that there were much better uses of time, for example he suggested that his players might visit their local library. The image of a group of tracksuited footballers wandering gormlessly round a library is priceless. Wonder what book young Wayne would choose? 

Just recently, Jermain Defoe had complained about his season at Spurs.  He advised that he might need to consider his options, given that he felt that he had been overlooked and underplayed.  This is the same Jermain Defoe - a striker by trade - who has managed to net the grand total of four goals all season (some perspective, in  last season's game vs Wigan, he scored five).  When questioned about these comments, Redknapp not unreasonably suggested Defoe should perhaps focus on getting the goals he was being paid for.  Defoe had also gone on to say that a place in the Europa cup would prove a distraction for Tottenham.  Perhaps, Redknapp asked to a pack of hacks, Jermain had other commitments on a Thursday that would stop his participation in this competition.  I'm not a huge fan of Redknapp but must admit I did admire the sarcastic tone he took in responding to the gripes of a millionaire footballer.

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