Tuesday, 31 May 2011

bye bye Waybuloo! - I won't miss you!

We have a 20 month old, and so watch a lot of cbeebies in this house.  That's fine, I quite like some of it - Teletubbies at 6.30 on a weekday morning is a soothing alternative to the hysteria of News 24.  But I cannot abide Waybuloo. I don't like the little cartoon-y creatures - wide eyed moon monkeys with sickly, simpering voices .  I don't like their stupid yoga exercises or their perpetual games of hide and seek that they play with groups of medicated-looking children ( I have long suspected that these little creatures are happy go lucky for most of the time - but like a lazy old tomcat, if you trod on one of their tails they would turn in a heart beat into hissing, yapping bundles of teeth and claws) .  And I especially didn't like that the were shown at 6 each evening - a very delicate time of day when adults, frazzled from a day at work / child care are in close proximity with a child frazzled from a day of causing mayhem   The last thing any of us needed were these gurning muppets.  But - sweet joy - Waybuloo has been replaced; relegated from the prestigious bedtime hour.  Now we can watch a show about a cartoon zoo. Much more palatable.

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