Thursday, 2 June 2011

Not winning the Olympics

Well, my Olympic dream seems at an bank account hasn't been plundered by Lord Coe & co which means that my hopes of watching Usain Bolt win gold in the 100 metres dash have been foiled. 

If I want to witness any of the events in the flesh I am now left with a just a couple of options:

A) Spend several tens of thousands of pounds on the 'Prestige' tickets.  Of course, first I need to acquire several tens of thousand of pounds that I would be willing to spend so that I could watch a bunch of people running / jumping / cycling etc  really fast / high / whatever - all stuff I could watch on TV for nothing.

B) Become any good at an event and therefore force myself into the Olympic team.  I can't run / jump / throw heavy stuff so I am ruled out of Track & Field.  Cycling / rowing look like hard work.  I'm not a strong swimmer either, so I reckon that shooting and archery are about the only things left.

So that's now my plan.  Become good at shooting or archery and join the British Olympic team.  I realise that's a long shot but you know what?  I reckon my odds of competing in the Olympics are better than the odds of scoring tickets to watch them.

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